
Health and Safety Policy

It is our policy at Garden Square Ltd to perform work in the safest practicable manner, consistent with good practice. The health and safety of our employees and all those likely to be affected by our operations is the responsibility of management, and as a priority it ranks equally with sales, operations and profit. Garden Square Ltd undertakes to comply fully with the provisions of The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and any other Acts that contain relevant statutory provisions, also any Regulations and Approved Codes of Practice, which have been made under the Act. Adequate resources will be made available to ensure the success of this policy.

It is the duty of the management to do everything practicable to prevent injury and ill health and it is equally the duty of each employee to exercise personal responsibility for his or her own safety and that of others. Law requires this.

Accordingly, Garden Square Ltd undertakes to:

  • Establish, maintain, audit and review a Health and Safety Management System that complies with the relevant statutory requirements;
  • Develop within the Company a health and safety culture;
  • Actively encourage employees to exercise a duty of care and to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, and of any other persons who may be affected by what they do, or fail to do at work;
  • Establish and maintain a safe and healthy working environment to enable the Company to carry out the duties or requirements imposed;
  • Bring this policy to the attention of all employees; and
  • Review this policy annually or sooner if required, revise if necessary and ensure all revisions are brought to the attention of all employees.

The foregoing is the Statement of Safety Policy of Garden Square Ltd. It has been prepared after due consultation with those involved in its operation.

Managing Director